XLSX format report export with UTF-8 character encoding
AppColl nicely lets me enter Asian characters for things such as contact names and matter titles. AppColl CSV exports are encoded with plain ASCII text, which cannot represent Asian characters. AppColl replaces all Asian characters with question mark '?' characters. Asian characters can be represented if characters are encoded in UTF-8 format.
Microsoft Excel is probably the most widely used tool to view CSV files. Unfortunately, Microsoft is stupid. Excel cannot simply read CSV files with UTF-8 character encoding. It can with a hack, but it would probably be inconvenient for most AppColl users.
Microsoft Excel can read XLSX files with UTF-8 encoded characters.
Therefore, please provide XLSX format report downloads also or instead of CSV format report downloads.
XLSX format would let AppColl do other nifty things like adjust column widths correspondingly with AppColl reports in the browser, add row coloring for tasks correspondingly with Task reports in the browser, and even conveniently export all saved report views at once as separate sheets in a combined XLSX file.
I think that I have to take back my thank you.
I recently setup and automatic report for my finance department to use to report the patent portfolio to investors. The Asian characters were question marks. He specifically requested that I find a way to send a spreadsheet report with the patent titles using Asian characters.
I just exported a CSV file with Asian characters and they showed up in MS Excel and a text editor. That is very helpful for me. Whatever you did to make that work, thank you.
I would still love to have an XLSX option with nifty things like adjusted column widths, row coloring, and multiple reports as tabs. But, you have resolved 90% of what I was hoping for.
Thank you.