Hello - May we please add a PPH option to indicate on matters where we have filed such? Thinking best to throw that into the "Fast Track" drop down menu within the Matters Module.
thoughts otherwise, etc.?
A group aimed specifically for Corporations
Hello - May we please add a PPH option to indicate on matters where we have filed such? Thinking best to throw that into the "Fast Track" drop down menu within the Matters Module.
thoughts otherwise, etc.?
@JonahP1621 We have implemented the Escape to cancel feature Any time a popup appears, you can click the Escape key to close the popup. We hope this helps.
@ChristianS9906 Thanks for the "reminder" --Discussions are a current project at the moment; we should be able to address this soon.
@ChristianS9906 Thanks for the suggestions; we've added them to our feature request list for prioritization.
It would be too hard for me to convert JSON to CSV and likely too hard for some other users. It sure would be nice if AppColl could make it automatic.
I believe that an underlying tenet of AppColl tasks, and most docketing system tasks in general, is that one and only one person is responsible for a task. Surely, within the processes of a multi-person firm or company, the person doing the task will rely on the involvement of others. However, that one person is responsible for ensuring that the task is complete and then closing it in AppColl.
It would be possible to have two separate tasks, such as one for the working attorney and another for the supervising attorney. You might even have one generated as an effect of the other becoming closed.
But, just as tasks have one and only one respond-by date and one and only one final due date, they also have one and only one owner. That's the person who receives a holiday card when something goes right and where the fingers point when something goes wrong.
@JasonP2345 I would be glad to. I am a fairly experienced AppColl user and in-house at a tech company "shadow" docketing a portfolio prosecuted by multiple outside law firms.
@mike_appcoll Thank you for doing Learning Series tutorials on often overlooked features. But please also always consider why often overlooked features are often overlooked. Perhaps some eventual user interface tweaks will result in fewer features being often overlooked.