@support_appcoll Any movement on this?
Posts made by SadiqA2304
RE: "Clear own locks" button
Any movement on this suggestion? This would remove a recurring source of frustration if implemented.
RE: Client Specific Billing Item Generation
@BrandonK6644 What is the difference in your suggestion vs. having client-specific transient tasks that themselves trigger billing items?
RE: Ability to specify whether USPTO e-Office Action tasks default to Transient Events
@ChristianS9906 I agree. For example, just got this today:
"review e-office action" and "review uspto communication" for the same item. No need for this.
RE: Automatically generated forms should use the latest USPTO information
@RichardS3059 Do you have form letters attached to automatically generated tasks that are triggered when an eOfficeAction is received?
RE: Automatically generated forms should use the latest USPTO information
@gregg_appcoll All first actions/notices of allowances on my account have this issue.
Automatically generated forms should use the latest USPTO information
Automatically generated forms, which are triggered by USPTO eOffice Actions, may use out-of-date information in certain circumstances, such as first Office Actions.
In the initial stages after an application's initial filing, the USPTO has placeholder information is in the USPTO system such as "Docket Central" as the examiner and "OPAP" as the art unit. This information gets updated by the USPTO prior to the first Office Action being sent out.
As one (basic) example, I have an Office Action Response template that is generated when an Office Action is received. This template populates basic bibliographic information, such as title, inventor, examiner, art unit, etc. In the current implementation, Appcoll does not update the information in the Appcoll system before automatically generating documents; it uses whatever was in the system before. Appcoll updates its internal information after generating documents based on an eOfficeAction. On second and subsequent actions (with no examiner or AU change), this works fine. However, on first actions, it results in situations like Appcoll-generated form fields getting populated with the placeholder information such as "Docket Central" and "OPAP."
RE: Email Intake address simplification
@GeorgeJ4336 For what it's worth, I have only ever used Appcoll email intake as a CC, and I would imagine this is the intended use
RE: Email Intake address simplification
@scott_appcoll Is there any concern with ambiguity here? If I have a first matter with MATTER ID 1234 and I have a second matter with MATTER ID 4321 and ATTORNEYREF m1234, wouldn't they both get resolved by [AccountIntakeID]m1234@intake.appcoll.com?
RE: Email Intake address simplification
@scott_appcoll Nice, I think this works. Can we get an option to choose the new format in appcoll-generated notification emails as well?
RE: Email Intake address simplification
@scott_appcoll Thanks for adding this so quickly. As @GeorgeJ4336 said, can you provide an example of the new format? It may be helpful to provide (1) an email address following the old format and (2) an email address, for the same matter, following the new format
RE: Email Intake address simplification
@BrandonK6644 I have made this request before as well. This is better than having Appcoll's internal matter codes (sequential matter number for your account) as a client-facing email address. The simplest way to implement it would probably be to add a mapping between what they already have, and the email address we desire. This could be done on a per-matter basis, and would need a code/differentiator between different accounts. Example implementation:
Friendly intake email address prefix for BrandonK's account: BK
Friendly intake email address prefix for SadiqA's account: SA
*Each account administrator may specify their own prefix via admin dashboard, so long as it is unique from all other account prefixes.BrandonK's matter:
Attorney Ref: FOO123
Appcoll Matter ID: BrandonK001
Appcoll default intake email address (current implementation): BrandonK001@intake.appcoll.com
Friendly intake email address (default): BKFOO123@intake.appcoll.com
Friendly intake email address (customizable via Matters module UI; prefix is not changeable): BKpatent123@intake.appcoll.comSadiqA's matter:
Attorney Ref: FOO123
Appcoll Matter ID: SadiqA001
Appcoll default intake email address: SadiqA001@intake.appcoll.com
Friendly intake email address (default): SAFOO123@intake.appcoll.com
Friendly intake email address (example customized address): SAmatter456@intake.appcoll.com
Emails to BKFOO123@intake.appcoll.com and BrandonK001@intake.appcoll.com are routed to BrandonK's "FOO123" matter
Emails to SAFOO123@intake.appcoll.com and SadiqA001@intake.appcoll.com are routed to SadiqA's "FOO123" matter
^ The client doesn't need to see the arbitrary Appcoll matter ID in the email fields; firm/account code is used to route emails to the correct account and matter, even if attorney docket number itself is ambiguous
RE: New field formatting code to add periods after single letters
@gregg_appcoll Thanks, looks like it's working. For Examiner names, I'm doing
{Matter.Examiner(ToTitleCase, AddPeriodToSingleCharacter)}
RE: New field: {Matter. InventorFirstNames}
@gregg_appcoll These fields do not work correctly with two inventors. They populate as:
Inventor1, and Inventor2
There shouldn't be a comma here.
Improve workflow for adding Continuations
I've used "duplicate matter" and "multi-country duplicate" for adding a Continuation of a matter, and found that "multi-country duplicate" works a little better. Ideally, this would require fewer clicks than it already does in order to add a Continuation. One suggestion I had is, when "Utility: Continuation" (or similar) is selected, the same country as the parent should be auto-selected. Unless I'm missing something, "Continuation" of a parent application in the US for example would necessarily refer to a child application in the US.
RE: New field: {Matter. InventorFirstNames}
@support_appcoll Great - just to confirm, you'll also implement the {Matter.InventorNicknamesOrFirstNames} field?
RE: New field: {Matter. InventorFirstNames}
@gregg_appcoll Any updates? It is pretty nuts to be honest that such a simple request has been ignored for so long.
RE: Add Form Generation and Attachment to E-mail Templates
@JasonP2345 In the email template
RE: Add Form Generation and Attachment to E-mail Templates
@JasonP2345 You can. Click "Attach any documents linked to task" in the email template editing UI
RE: New field: {Matter. InventorFirstNames}
@gregg_appcoll have these been implemented?
RE: New field formatting code to return last word of a field
@gregg_appcoll Thanks, I think it's working. I'm doing Examiner {Matter.Examiner(ToTitleCase, LastWord)} to change "Examiner John A SMITH" to "Examiner Smith".
New field formatting code to return last word of a field
Appcoll allows for some field formatting options, as shown here: https://support.appcoll.com/form-emails-and-letters/formatting-text-fields-in-form-letters-and-emails
I'd like to suggest an additional formatting code, such as (LastWord), which returns the last word in a field.
Hello Examiner {Matter.Examiner}, = Hello Examiner John A Smith,
Hello Examiner {Matter.Examiner(LastWord)}, = Hello Examiner Smith,This would solve one of the manual corrections we need to perform.
New field formatting code to add periods after single letters
Appcoll allows for some field formatting options, as shown here: https://support.appcoll.com/form-emails-and-letters/formatting-text-fields-in-form-letters-and-emails
I'd like to suggest an additional formatting code, such as (AddPeriodToInitials), which adds a period to any letter that appears alone.
{Matter.Examiner} = John A Smith
{Matter.Examiner(AddPeriodToInitials)} = John A. SmithThis would solve one of the manual corrections we need to perform.
RE: "Documents" tab in Matters module
This is basically what I'm asking for actually
"Documents" tab in Matters module
Appcoll's form generation has been making great strides. It would be helpful to be able to quickly see all documents for a given matter. I'd like to recommend a tab in the Matters page:
(I know my masterful photoshop skills make it hard to see my edits, but I tried to highlight the suggested change in red)
When clicking the "Documents" tab, it would show all documents that have been generated for the matter, which would be similar or identical to navigating to the folder for that matter in the Files module (Top -> Client -> Matter folder).
Set the top level folder for the matter as a default folder when adding documents
When adding a document to a task, we are required to click a folder to which that document is added. I'd like to request that the top level folder be set as the default folder, so that we don't have to make this extra click. Users like me have no preference as to which folder the document is placed in - we just want the document to be created so we can use it.
Current result after selecting a document and NOT selecting a folder (e.g., the top level folder):
Desired result after selecting a document and NOT selecting a folder (top level folder pre-populated, eliminating clicks for users who want the document in the top level folder or who have no preference which folder the document is placed in):