The current "cross-cite" button pulls in references to a matter from ALL related matters. However, in many cases, we only want to pull in references from select matters. For example, for strategic reasons, every matter in a client's portfolio may claim priority back to the same base app (e.g., to a PROV via a chain of CONs or CIPs), which makes every matter for the client related one to another in AppColl. However, the client may only want to cross cite references between matters in a particular sub-group (e.g., matters with the same technology tag or matters within a particular sub-family). This is not possible with the current cross-cite option in AppColl.
We would love to see an option added to cross-cite references ONLY among selected matters. To this end, within the prior art module, we would like to be able to filter the listed matters based on more fields than are currently available (e.g., technology tag, connection type, etc.). We would then select a group of matters and select the newly added option to cross-cite references only among the selected group of matters (and not from other matters that may be related to them).