Add Patentcenter deep link to top of matter
Would be nice to have a deep link to Patentcenter next to the existing links at the top of the page (the matter files, tasks, ... references icons).{ApplicationNum_noformat}
@gregg_appcoll Thanks, Gregg.
-George -
We added this to our list of projects. We don't have an ETA yet, but we will let you know when this has been implemented.
I also would like a link to a patent office web page in my matter details page. However, it would be nice if such a link were not limited to the USPTO. For example, links to EPO and WIPO pages would be handy, but that probably would require the user to populate the field, since AppColl probably can't predict all the different formats required for all "foreign" patent offices.
European Register -
ePCT Workbench -
Currently, I have a user (custom) matter field called "PatentOfficeLink," in which I store a URL. This, of course, works for any patent office that allows direct access to an application. However, I must copy the field's contents to a browser address box to view the page. AppColl supports several types of matter user fields, including TextBox, PullDown, and MultiSelect. It would be nice if AppColl added a matter user field type of "URL," so one could click the field contents to invoke the link.
@MikeO5888 I second Bernd's suggestion--I've actually suggested this to Support in the past, prior to the forum's existence. This would be a trivial addition to the GUI--the hyperlink needs data that is already retrieved from the database, so little effort needed to implement.
Google patents is not as useful as Patent Center--it lags Patent Center and it also doesn't include all the other information, such as the IFW, that Patent Center has. It also does not include non-published cases.
If this is implemented, would recommend also having a direct link to the IFW for each matter. Same hyperlink, but with some sub-folders specified:<APPNO>/ifw/docs
I have passed his request on to ENG, but in the meantime one can find published matters via Google Patents in the "Abstract-Image-Claim" Tab