New email intake address change makes it harder to copy-paste into email
The left sidebar in the Matter Details view was recently revised to show both the "old" email intake address and the "new" email intake address. However, it now seems to truncate the email addresses and terminate them with an ellipsis. If you try and select the email address text and copy it, it is incomplete. You can right-click on the link and copy the complete email address from there, but it doesn't just copy the address--it copies the address plus the name/alias for the address (which is pretty useless and makes the address twice as long--see below). You can also just click the email address link to make a new email addressed to the address, but the email address also includes the alias and you then have to copy and paste it into the email you are drafting (if already in progress).
AppColl_Matter_1234567USacctname1234567US@intake.appcoll.comCould this be changed so that the mailto link that underpins these addresses does not include the alias and is just the bare email address?
Christian -
@ChristianS9906 Whereas AppColl already implemented the change you requested, I'm reluctant to request they change it back. I don't know to what extent others have strong or weak feelings about e-mail addresses with or without aliases (display names). You and I have stated our preference and reasons. It would be interesting to see if anyone else expresses an opinion.
@GeorgeJ4336 If it ends up impacting you, I'm not wedded to my suggestion and wouldn't be crushed if AppColl changed it back.
We ended up hard-coding the client's intake address using the ClientRef we had for them, so our templates now automatically include it and we shouldn't need to copy-paste it any more (or at least, with much less frequency)....
@ChristianS9906 Thanks. My e-mail templates essentially already include your suggestion. The "To" field is populated by:
{Matter.ClientContact.First+032}{Matter.ClientContact.Last+032}{+060Matter.ClientContact.EmailNoCC+062+044+032}{Matter.Client.PrimaryContact.First} {Matter.Client.PrimaryContact.Last} <{Matter.Client.PrimaryContact.EmailNoCC}>
and the "CC" field is populated by:
{Matter.Client.PrimaryContact.EmailCC+059+032}Auto-docket mailbox for matter {Matter.AttorneyRef} <{Matter.EmailIntakeAddress}>
This works well for e-mail messages generated within AppColl.
However, I often copy the matter auto-intake e-mail address from a matter detail page and paste that address into a new (or reply) e-mail message in Outlook (my mail agent), i.e., a message not generated by AppColl. This is where the alias comes in handy, because although I send that message from Outlook, a copy gets stored in AppColl, and if the client responds to "all," a copy of the response gets stored in AppColl.
@GeorgeJ4336 Thanks for the insight--for us, we actually don't use the email intake address for our own account--we prefer to save email in a different system. When we do use the intake address, it's always because a client uses AppColl and has asked us to use their intake address--so we never had to worry about them not knowing what it was/thinking it was funny, and I guess had no appreciation for how a more lengthy name might make it clearer to a client that it's a "legit" email address.
Although it seems like if you modify your email template to use: "X{Matter.AttorneyRef}" (where X is the prefix for your account), that would generally get you to a very similar place (an email address that has your docket number in it, which the client would hopefully see was the same as the docket number that I'm guessing is also in your subject line). You could also put a small note at the top of the template body of "Please CC X{Matter.AttorneyRef} to ensure communications are saved in our docketing system in association with this application."
@ChristianS2558 I actually like the alias that prepends the auto-intake e-mail address. Often, I send e-mail messages from Outlook, because I have large attachments that AppColl can't handle, or I'm responding to a message that was sent only to my Outlook address, not to an AppColl matter. I like to CC the auto-intake mailbox for the corresponding matter. I like the alias appearing in the message, because it indicates to the recipient (typically a client) what the "funny" address is and, hopefully, encourages the recipient to "respond to all," so a copy of the response ends up being stored in the "email" folder of the corresponding matter.
I suppose mine may be a minority view.
-George -
@joe_appcoll Great, thanks!
This has been completed.
Hi Christian,
We will remove the unnecessary name from the mailto link so that it can be copied more easily.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.