Now that we have an EBD field, we need to be able to reference it as Response Date for task scheduling
Thank you for adding the EBD as a field--much appreciated.
We'd like to be able to docket reminders based on it in cases, but I think we need to be able to select it for the "Response Date" in the Task Type definition interface in order to do so.
Can this please be added ASAP?
Thank you,
Christian -
@ChristianS9906 I thought about docketing both up front, but thought it would be better to daisy-chain them - either should work. The trick is to get the 6 year reminder to post even if the matter is filed after the 6 year date, but there is a setting in tasks that lets you tell it to go ahead and generate the task even if it is past due. Then the next day it should auto-close and generate the 9 year reminder. At least that is my plan.
@BruceY9495 My thinking is to have two tasks, one for 6 years offset and one for 9 years offset, that simultaneously auto-docket for all apps at the time of filing. They would both be set up to auto-close themselves as Closed after their respective deadlines pass, and I'd likely have them send out email notifications a month or two ahead of time to give a heads-up. I don't see a reason (at least, not yet) to close them out with any other status--if the client wants to pursue a pre-six or pre-nine year CON filing, then we would ensure that the new matter for that CON filing would set the file-by date to beat the EBD being 6+ or 9+ years in the past. I'm not seeing much need to track what's happening in the CON in the parent case, which is why I'm planning on just having those 6/9 year offset tasks auto-close themselves once no longer relevant--once the relevant deadline is past, it's not like you can do anything about it anyhow....
The reason I intend to set up both 6 and 9 year tasks at the same time instead of daisy-chaining them is that for some cases, you might never have a 6-year task that gets closed in order to trigger the 9 year task. Haven't thought about this much yet, but it seems like a potential scenario. There might be a way to handle this with query-based triggering, but it would require some experimentation.
One thing I will be doing, however, is making these new tasks able to be turned on/off based on Tags in the Client contact record. I anticipate more sophisticated clients asking us not to send them reminders about such potential CONs, so want to be able to easily turn it off for those clients and avoid the docket clutter.
How do you plan on triggering these tasks. I am thinking that I will create a 6 year reminder whenever a US matter non-provisional utility matter (including continuations, divisionals, etc) is created and then have it auto-close with a custom task type of "Passed without filing". The 9 year reminder would be created whenever a 6 year reminder closes with "Passed without filing". Figure that this will work even for a case that is filed after the 6 year deadline. -
@ChristianS9906 _ 100% agree. The tasks I created currently use "Official Filing Date" as the basis for the response date. Would need to use EBD field there.