Import 892 Forms
Does anyone have an efficient way of extracting the data from a USPTO 892 form to import into AppColl? I have done OCR on the 892 pdf form and manually copy and paste references into AppColl directly but I haven't figured out a way to make that efficient. It is very time consuming.
It would be too hard for me to convert JSON to CSV and likely too hard for some other users. It sure would be nice if AppColl could make it automatic.
@BruceY9453 Just started looking into this. US references could be obtained in JSON format from PatentCenter. Would not be too hard to convert to CSV for import into AppColl.
Foreign references are going to be much harder to load automatically.
I have wondered the same thing. If the USPTO publishes prior art citation information in any format other than rasterized images of text, it's a good request for AppColl to get it. If the USPTO doesn't, that's a good product request for them.