Because of the new USPTO fees for filing con/div applications more than 6/9 years after the priority date, it would be nice to have those times docketed. Could AppColl automatically for every US application add these dates and a task at 5.5 years and 8.5 years post the priority date to check for con/div filings.
Best posts made by BenjaminK4148
6 and 9 year con/div filing reminders
New USPTO IDS fees
New fees for IDSs that bring the total number of submitted documents to over 50, 100, and 200 are starting on January 19. It would be great if AppColl had a way to track applicant-provided items (not just total) and total fees paid for IDSs. Also, it would be useful to have the new IDS forms integrated with AppColl.
RE: Applicant OR First Named Inventor?
@Timothy I do not believe so. That would seem to require some kind of conditional operator. I did not see anything like that in the materials explaining how forms work. But it would be a nice feature. Something like if {matter.applicant} is null insert {matter.inventor}.