Client-Specific matter access permissions.
For law firms, it would be extremely useful if nearly everything could be client specific. For example, I need a particular attorney to be restricted from accessing one client's matters, but no others. Without using one of the special contact fields (partner, attorney, contributor, for example) in a matter, this is not possible.
Even then, the permissions in the contacts module only provide an option in which the the attorney is limited to accessing those matters in which the attorney is listed as contributor/partner/attorney. Thus, in order to restrict an attorney from accessing just one client's matters, that attorney has to be added to ALL other matters. If the attorney should be restricted from accessing Client A's matters, then the attorney must be listed in the special contact fields for all matters of Client B, Client C, Client D and so on. Such a procedure is difficult to administer over time (when each new matter is opened). Additionally, that field is now not available to someone else.
It seems much easier to have an option in the contacts module to either: (1) select, from a set of clients, the clients for which the contact is allowed to access matters or (2) select, from a set of clients, the clients for which the contact is prohibited to access matters.
Hi Brandon. This is an excellent suggestion and something we plan to implement in the future. We do not have an ETA yet. However, we will make an announcement when this is available. We hope this helps.