Ability to specify whether USPTO e-Office Action tasks default to Transient Events
If AppColl is set up to process e-Office Actions, it will automatically create a "USPTO e-Office Action: XXXX" Event task type for each different e-Office Action document code XXXX that it processes. It will also create a corresponding Hard External Deadline "Review USPTO e-Office Action XXXX" task type for that newly created Event task type.
It would be nice if there was a way to let the account admin have more control over how this system works. In particular, it would be nice if a) the admin could make it so that newly generated "USPTO e-Office Action: XXXX" Event tasks are instead created as Transient Events by default and b) the admin could instruct AppColl to not make "Review USPTO e-Office Action XXXX" task types at all.
At present, 25% of our 760 different task types are e-Office Action-related task types (split evenly between the Event task types and the Review USPTO e-Office Action task types). We never use the Review USPTO e-Office Action tasks, and immediately disable auto-generation as soon as we detect a new version of such a task. It would be great if we could simply tell AppColl not to bother making such task types going forward.
For the USPTO e-Office Action Event tasks, we want them to trigger since they may be needed to trigger follow-on tasks, but we don't want them hanging around since they are just extra clutter--the event date, if important, is always reflected in the RefDate of a task triggered by such an event, so there is zero benefit to keeping the USPTO e-Office Action Event tasks around. In view of that, we always change them to Transient Event types. But when a new one gets created by AppColl, we have to go track it down and change it. It would be nice if we could have AppColl default to defining these as Transient Events instead of as Events.
@gregg_appcoll Any update on this?
Hi Christian and Sadiq - we understand what you're asking and will pass this on to engineering.
@ChristianS9906 I agree. For example, just got this today:
"review e-office action" and "review uspto communication" for the same item. No need for this.