Trigger Event is "When particular TaskType with a FinalDueDate date is in the past"
I'm looking for a Trigger Event of "When a particular TaskType with a FinalDueDate is in the past"
For example, the creation of the standard "Pay 1st Maintenance Fee - Final Deadline" task in AppColl is triggered at "When a 'Pay 1st Maintenance Fee - 1st Deadline' task completes with the 'Missed' state". That presumes that someone changes the 'Pay 1st Maintenance Fee - 1st Deadline' from "Open" to "Missed." Often we don't mark tasks as Missed although they were.
I might prefer that AppColl automatically adds the "Pay 1st Maintenance Fee - Final Deadline" task to the matter when the "Pay 1st Maintenance Fee - Final Deadline" task in the matter has a FinalDueDate that is in the past.
@JasonP2345 Currently, this is not available. However, we are working on a new interface that would allow such a trigger. It's still a number of months out. We will keep you posted. Thanks for the suggestion.