Tasks are the heart of the docket system.
I would love to be able to have:
*Custom status identifiers for tasks that keep the task open. So, the status of "Respond to Non-Final Office Action - 3 Month Deadline" might be "Waiting on Client Approval." This can keep the task open but allow us to filter for this status without having to create a number of intermediate task types or trigger additional tasks based on the status change. The filter can allow us to batch follow-up requests to clients and it can allow us to better understand where responses are in the workflow (i.e., does the bulk of the work remain to be done or is this something that is basically done).
*Additional task fields. This could be powerful to allow tasks to pass additional information to a triggered task/billing item rather than having everything be in the comments field.
*Bulk editing of task types. Bulk editing of tasks could allow us to change a default comment on a number of tasks or modify a trigger to a number of tasks. One idea would be able to export and import a task type spreadsheet to modify tasks.
*Add task triggers randomly rather than only at the end. We can only add triggers to the end, so if we want to add a new condition to a task with complex trigger conditions, we may have to delete and then replace all of the conditions after the conditions we hope to add. This can be a big headache.
*"Kanban"-style workflow views. It would be incredibly helpful to be able to setup (or have some pre-existing) visualizations to look at the status of matters within various workflows. Every firm has workflows for tasks such as responding to an office action or preparing an application. As an individual attorney, being able to look globally at where things are in the various workflows can help me visualize and plan whether I can take on more or need to offload additional work, etc. As a manager, such a visualization allows me to take a global perspective and move work around and foresee problems or bottlenecks in our workflow. Having intermediate (open) task statuses (see the first suggestion) can aid in organizing this.