Task User Fields
It would be nice to have TextBox, DropDown, MultiSelect, and Date custom user fields for tasks like there are for matters.
@ChristianS9906 We have elevated the priority and will discuss at our next engineering projects review.
- AppColl Support
@support_appcoll Has there been any movement on implementing this idea? It would be hugely useful to have the ability to define some custom fields for tasks.
For example, a field for "In IDS Database" to record whether an Office Action and its cited references have been added to the IDS database. Or "recommendation sent" to indicate that the client has been provided with a recommendation.
Hello All. This is a good idea and something we will add to our list of engineering projects. Thank you for the feedback.
I agree with this.
For example:
We have been using the task "comments" field for various things including as an explanation field for the task. Right now, we include information as to when a task is opened (and should remain open) and information as to when a task should be closed (and with what state).It would be great to be able to have a separate field for explanations of the task so the comments field is cleaner and more geared toward the specifics of the particular task.
Additionally, it would be great to be able to have additional fields in a task for use in templates (e.g., invoice info for an invoicing task that can populate billing items, etc.). Right now, if that information is just in the comment field we can't use it for other functions (e.g., the default comment information--see above or status information about the task).
Agreed! I have a task to "Pay foreign associate," although it could be more generally "Pay vendor," such as draftsman. I'd like to be able to store the vendor's invoice number and invoice amount in the Task, then use those fields in generating e-mail messages. It would be even more useful if Tasks were augmented to be able to Create Form Letters (for example, as Matter Detail pages can do). Then, I could print the vendor's check from the Task, and print a payment cover letter from the Task, and send the vendor a payment advice via e-mail, all from the Task. Some of this would require expanding the number of fields that return values in Tasks. For example, currently {Matter.ForeignAssociate} returns a value, but {Matter.ForeignAssociate.Company} and {Matter.ForeignAssociate.Street} do not return values within a Task.This situation is a reason to support multi-level fields, such as {Task.Matter.ForeignAssociate} or {Task.Matter.ForeignAssociate.Company} or {Task.Matter.ForeignAssociate.Street}.
Another useful user field would be check number, to record the check with which I paid the vendor. All these fields could, of course, be user-defined, as Jonah suggests. But, the number of fields that return values in Tasks needs to be expanded, and Tasks need to be able to Create Form Letters. (I will post these as separate suggestions.)