Client Specific Billing Item Generation
For law firms, it would be extremely useful if nearly everything could be client specific. Client-specific billing item templates would be amazing. While the ability to generate a billing item based on a template when a particular tasks closes is a nice addition, it would be even better if we could add additional filters for triggering that billing item. For example, it seems like it would be best if the billing item template could not only be specified to be triggered at the completion of a task, but also when the matter is associated with a particular client.
We currently have to create a transient task for each different client that is triggered when a particular task is closed (a 'Respond to Non-Final' task, for example) and the matter is related that particular client. When that transient task is completed, a billing item is generated from a template that is specific to that client. Adding this set of transient tasks for each and every client is time consuming and duplicative when we already have to add a billing item template for each task and client.
@BrandonK6644 Thank you for the suggestion. We will pass this on to our engineering group for future consideration.
@SadiqA2304, rather than having a set of client-specific transient tasks + client-specific billing item templates, I suggest we have only client-specific billing item templates that include the client-specific trigger. Right now, the billing item templates can only be triggered based on the setting of a status of a task. I'd like to also add that the billing item template is only triggered when that task is closed AND the matter is for a particular client. No need to create both a transient task and a billing item template. Instead, I can create just a single billing item template.
As an example, when I close a "Respond to Non-Final Office Action - 3 month deadline" task in a matter for Client ABC, I would like a billing item to be created based on a template that is set to be triggered when that particular task is closed and the client is ABC. When I close a "Respond to Non-Final Office Action - 3 month deadline" task in a matter for Client XYZ, I would like a billing item created based on a template that is set to be triggered when that particular task is closed and the client is XYZ. I'd like to do that by creating a billing item template for ABC and another for XYZ, without having to create a transient task for Client ABC, a transient task for Client XYZ, a billing item template for ABC, and a billing item template for XYZ. We got very close with the "generate a billing item from this template when the status of task X changes to done" was added, but it not client-specific.
@BrandonK6644 What is the difference in your suggestion vs. having client-specific transient tasks that themselves trigger billing items?