On further review, I'm a bit confused by both the original posting and your response. There is no Matter.ClientCode field nor a Matter.ClientFull field. There is a Contact.Client field and a Contact.ClientFull field, but at the moment those fields appear unused in Client contact entries and I can't see a way to provide them with any value. There is a Contact.ShortName field, which is what is filled in from the field labeled "Client Code" in a Client contact entry, and a Contact.Name field, which is what is filled in from the field labeled Company in a Client contact entry. There is also a Client.Company field, which appears to be a duplicate of the Contact.Name field.
However, in a Client/Solo Inventor type contact, oddly enough, the Contact.Client field is filled in with the "Client Code" value from the screen and is a duplicate of the Client.ShortName field. And, again only in a Client/Solo Inventor type contact, the Contact.ClientFull field is a duplicate of the Contact.Name field, i.e., the full name of the person, with the Contact.Company field being the Contact.Client field concatenated with the Contact.Name field in parentheses, e.g.,
1999 (John Doe)
This inconsistency between Client and Client/Solo Inventor type contacts is a bad idea, I think, although by now that would be somewhat disruptive to fix.
NB: There is a formatting problem with the Client Code field on the Client-type contact data entry screen. Instead of being aligned with the Client Code: label, the entry field and the small entity checkbox are vertically offset from the field label, unlike any other field on the screen.

The formatting error in the Client type contact doesn't appear in the Client/Solo Inventor type contact: