This week Sadiq!!!
Posts made by gregg_appcoll
RE: New field: {Matter. InventorFirstNames}
@SadiqA2304 We added {Matter.InventorFirstNames} and we added {Matter.InventorNicknames}. Thanks.
RE: Improve workflow for adding Continuations
Hi Sadiq,
Good suggestion. We have added this to our list of projects.
RE: New DeadlineType: Workflow
@ChristianS9906 Thank you for the suggestion. We will certainly pass this on to engineering for consideration.
RE: Add Patentcenter deep link to top of matter
We added this to our list of projects. We don't have an ETA yet, but we will let you know when this has been implemented.
RE: New field: {Matter. InventorFirstNames}
@SadiqA2304 I have poked engineering to get this moved up the chain further.
RE: Don't replace commas with semicolons in e-mail address fields
Thank you for pointing this out George. We will get this taken care of and let you know when done.
RE: Custom Dynamic Fields
This should work. What happens when you try this syntax?
- AppColl Support
RE: New field formatting code to add periods after single letters
@SadiqA2304 Sorry for the delay. This will be added by end of month.
RE: Automatically update the owner of existing tasks if personnel is changed in biblio section.
Hi Angela,
This should help. While it's not automatic, it will allow you to make these changes whenever you change the personnel of matters. Thanks.
RE: Creating Invoice Templates
@AngieL8074 The first time any invoice is created for a new client, the format will be used the next time the same client is selected. So this acts as a template.
This continues for adding additional clients.
We hope this helps.
RE: New field formatting code to return last word of a field
Hi Sadiq - we have added this functionality. Please try it out.
RE: Impact of EFS-Web and Private PAIR Shutdown?
Hi - we are actively working on the transition. We will make an announcement this week.
RE: AppColl Roadmap?
Hi Richard - Unfortunately, we can't disclose future development plans at this time. Is there anything specific you're looking for?
RE: Add support for "LastWord" text formatting
Hi Richard - this is an interesting idea. Unfortunately, the Examiner is a string field and not a contact. Changing this would be difficult.
RE: Add support for "LastWord" text formatting
Hi George,
This should work now. Can you give this a try?
RE: Editing a report
Hi RIchard - if you selected the report from the drop down, the name should pop up. When you click Save (with the overwrite checkbox checked), it should overwrite without having to re-type the name. Is this not happening?
RE: New field formatting code to add periods after single letters
Hi Sadiq - we can add this. Shouldn't take but a few days. We will let you know when done.
RE: Custom Non-Completion States in Tasks
Hi Mark,
Thank you for the feedback. This is an interesting idea and something we will pass on to engineering for consideration.
-AppColl Support
RE: Allow attachments to billing items - ex. receipt from foreign associate
Thank you for the input. These are good ideas. We will pass this onto engineering for consideration.
- AppColl Support
RE: Intake Email Fields
Hi Mark,
You can actually use the following form fields which can be added to the description/comments of a task. Provided the task is created from the email.
{Email.Subject}, {Email.Body} and {Email.From}
- AppColl Support
RE: Task User Fields
@ChristianS9906 We have elevated the priority and will discuss at our next engineering projects review.
- AppColl Support
RE: Allow timer to be stopped from other than the matter being timed
Hi George, we understand what you're saying and will look into it.
- AppColl Support
RE: Share matters with another AppColl user
Hi Bernd,
If you someone already has a login to AppColl, we don't charge for them to log into additional accounts. You could allow this person access to your account and restrict their access to just the matters you want them to see. Does this work for you?
- AppColl Support
RE: Client Code Field
@RichardS3059 - what you really want is {Matter.Client.ShortName} for the client code and {Matter.Client.Name} for the full name. We hope this helps.
- AppColl Support
RE: Set the top level folder for the matter as a default folder when adding documents
Hi Sadiq,
Thanks for the suggestion. We will pass this along to our engineering team for future consideration.
- AppColl Support
RE: Client Code Field
Thanks for your feedback. The original intent of Client Code was to be a shorter and identifiable name for the full client name. So you could use it everywhere and save space in the table view.
You can refer to the full client name in form letters/emails by using {Matter.ClientFull}
RE: "Discussion" comments
Hi @TarC6989 we don't currently have a way to do this. However, we will pass this on to our engineers for future consideration. Thank you.
RE: New field: {Matter. InventorFirstNames}
Not yet. But it's high up on our radar.
RE: Syntax for alternate field, when a first field is blank
Hi George,
Thank you for your suggestion. We will pass this on to engineering for future consideration.
- AppColl Support